ROS 토픽

2024. 4. 8. 21:27ROS

  • ROS에서 단방향으로 데이터를 송수신하는 토픽(Topic) 기능이 있음
  • 송신하는 노드를 퍼블리셔(publisher) 수신하는 노드를 서브스크라이버(subscriber)라고 함
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg ros_topic message_generation std_msgs roscpp


1. CMakeLists.txt 파일 수정



2. 메시지 파일 생성

mkdir msg
cd msg
nano Message1.msg


2.1 아래 데이터 입력하고 저장

time stamp
int32 data


3. 토픽 퍼블리셔 노드 코드 만들기

#include "ros/ros.h"                            // ROS Default Header File
#include "ros_topic/Message1.h"    // MsgTutorial Message File Header. The header file is automatically created when building the package.

int main(int argc, char **argv)                 // Node Main Function
  ros::init(argc, argv, "ros_topic_publisher");     // Initializes Node Name
  ros::NodeHandle nh;                           // Node handle declaration for communication with ROS system

  // Declare publisher, create publisher 'ros_topic_publisher' using the 'Message1'
  // message file from the 'ros_topic' package. The topic name is
  // 'ros_topic_msg' and the size of the publisher queue is set to 100.
  ros::Publisher ros_topic_pub = nh.advertise<ros_topic::Message1>("ros_topic_msg", 100);

  // Set the loop period. '10' refers to 10 Hz and the main loop repeats at 0.1 second intervals
  ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

  ros_topic::Message1 msg;     // Declares message 'msg' in 'Message1' message file format
  int count = 0;                            // Variable to be used in message

  while (ros::ok())
    msg.stamp = ros::Time::now();           // Save current time in the stamp of 'msg'  = count;                      // Save the the 'count' value in the data of 'msg'

    ROS_INFO("send msg = %d", msg.stamp.sec);   // Prints the 'stamp.sec' message
    ROS_INFO("send msg = %d", msg.stamp.nsec);  // Prints the 'stamp.nsec' message
    ROS_INFO("send msg = %d",;        // Prints the 'data' message

    ros_topic_pub.publish(msg);          // Publishes 'msg' message

    loop_rate.sleep();                      // Goes to sleep according to the loop rate defined above.

    ++count;                                // Increase count variable by one

  return 0;


4. 토픽 서브스크라이버 노드 코드 만들기

#include "ros/ros.h"                          // ROS Default Header File
#include "ros_topic/Message1.h"  // MsgTutorial Message File Header. The header file is automatically created when building the package.

// Message callback function. This is a function is called when a topic
// message named 'ros_topic_msg' is received. As an input message,
// the 'Message1' message of the 'ros_topic' package is received.
void msgCallback(const ros_topic::Message1::ConstPtr& msg)
  ROS_INFO("recieve msg = %d", msg->stamp.sec);   // Prints the 'stamp.sec' message
  ROS_INFO("recieve msg = %d", msg->stamp.nsec);  // Prints the 'stamp.nsec' message
  ROS_INFO("recieve msg = %d", msg->data);        // Prints the 'data' message

int main(int argc, char **argv)                         // Node Main Function
  ros::init(argc, argv, "ros_topic_subscriber");            // Initializes Node Name

  ros::NodeHandle nh;                                   // Node handle declaration for communication with ROS system

  // Declares subscriber. Create subscriber 'ros_topic_subscriber' using the 'Message1'
  // message file from the 'ros_topic' package. The topic name is
  // 'ros_topic_msg' and the size of the publisher queue is set to 100.
  ros::Subscriber ros_topic_sub = nh.subscribe("ros_topic_msg", 100, msgCallback);

  // A function for calling a callback function, waiting for a message to be
  // received, and executing a callback function when it is received.

  return 0;


5. 패키지 빌드하기

cd ~/catkin_ws


6. 패키지 실행하기

rosrun ros_topic ros_topic_publisher
rosrun ros_topic ros_topic_subscriber



랜덤값 보내는 publisher 코드

#include "ros/ros.h"                            // ROS Default Header File
#include "ros_topic_sensorsim/Message11.h"    // MsgTutorial Message File Header. The header file is automatically created when building the package.
#include <random>
int main(int argc, char **argv)                 // Node Main Function
  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 gen(rd()); 
  std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(1, 100);
  ros::init(argc, argv, "ros_topic_ppublisher");     // Initializes Node Name
  ros::NodeHandle nh;                           // Node handle declaration for communication with ROS system

  // Declare publisher, create publisher 'ros_topic_publisher' using the 'Message1'
  // message file from the 'ros_topic' package. The topic name is
  // 'ros_topic_msg' and the size of the publisher queue is set to 100.
  ros::Publisher ros_topic_pub = nh.advertise<ros_topic_sensorsim::Message11>("ros_topic_msg", 100);

  // Set the loop period. '10' refers to 10 Hz and the main loop repeats at 0.1 second intervals
  ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

  ros_topic_sensorsim::Message11 msg;     // Declares message 'msg' in 'Message1' message file format
  int count = 0;                            // Variable to be used in message

  while (ros::ok())
               // Save current time in the stamp of 'msg'  = count;                      // Save the the 'count' value in the data of 'msg'

      // Prints the 'stamp.nsec' message
    ROS_INFO("send msg = %d",;        // Prints the 'data' message

    ros_topic_pub.publish(msg);          // Publishes 'msg' message

    loop_rate.sleep();                      // Goes to sleep according to the loop rate defined above.

    count = dis(gen);                                // Increase count variable by one

  return 0;

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